I haven't written in awhile. My bad. The last three months have been A WHIRLWIND to say the least. But as of this writing, ya girl is finished with her first year! WHOO HOO! *speaks in tongues and praise dances*.
I wanted to breakdown what the first year has been like for me and I wanted to do it via a video-styled blog because after all the writing I've been doing lately, I ain't feel like writing anymore. :)
So I called up the person in the world who I knew personally that is amazing at journalism and editing: MY CUZZO, Misha Jones! I love me some Mish Mish and thankfully, she was on board because I would not have been able to put this together like she did.
Take a look at the video below for an introduction to what the hell I've been doing for the past 9 months. ;)
SN: I give a horrible explanation of what a dissertation and thesis is...so here's a correction. A dissertation is the documented procedure, data analysis and results of an original study conducted by a student. For my thesis and likely for my dissertation, I am using a survey and doing in-depth interviews with some of the people who will take my survey. Then I will write up my process, scholarship, and the results in the form of a thesis and a dissertation. A thesis is typically 30-75 pages; a dissertation is somewhere around 100-200+ pages, on average.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments! :)