I've read a bit of Brené's stuff before and I found this book on Overdrive (Thanks Library!) and have been finding it really helpful.
Much of the past couple years for me has been undoing unhealthy cycles and relearning to deal with my stuff in ways that actually work for me and not just those that are convenient for those around me. If I don't talk about my fears, pain, uncertainty, others can get the false impression that "all is well." It also paints this picture of me as "perfect." Now, nobody who knows me really thinks that. Y'all watch me F things up on the regular. But in theory, people who are always "fine" can be received that way. But I'm still hitting walls. Big time and even feeling like I'm being set back sometimes.
This book, Rising Strong: How the Ability To Reset Transforms The Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead, is helping me dig through some of the really tough blows and experiences I've had and is helping me make sense of some stuff.
Highly recommend this book for those who feel like you keep hitting walls and none of your coping mechanisms are working.
Happy Reading!